Mobile TCAS

Inspired by the same life saving technologies found in modern aircraft,
the Mobile (Traffic Collision Avoidance System) is your personal eye in the sky.

Collision avoidance redundancy when visual awareness falls short.

How it works

Set it and Forget it! Using a background service (no need to have the phone screen on), our intuitive design provides audible traffic warnings with a relative heading to help you quickly establish visual contact with traffic.

Mobile TCAS utilizes your device's GPS, magentometer, barometer, and mobile network connection to gather data.

Using this data, Mobile TCAS calculates possible collisions and provides timely, anticipatory alerts.

Mobile Traffic Collision Avoidance application

Company Information

CloudDive technologies was founded by Nathan Henry with a vision to bring life saving aviation technologies to aviators outside of the modern glass cockpit. Nathan is an instrument-rated pilot, who spent 5 years applying his mechanical engineering training at a major aircraft OEM before transitioning to his current day job in high fidelity flight simulator software design. Mobile TCAS is the culmination of years of continuous learning in aviation and software engineering


Coming soon to the Play Store!